We all know what boyracers are: "
its easy to see what a boy racer is. They're those w****rs that screech round the roads in their alloy-wheeled, big bore exhausted and lowered scrapheap cars and piss the rest of us drivers off" Generally teenage lads, new drivers, who go out and buy their new car, normally a 1.0l Citroen Saxo or equivalent, and then modify it to make it look 'cool'. Newsflash, you don't. your car looks tasteless, and the mods will more than likely make your car illegal, or uninsured.
Typical Boyracer car |
Normal new drivers will buy these cars, add stupid bumpers on, drop the suspension and add new wider wheels. What these lads don't realise is that without telling their insurance company about these mods (and face getting a huge price hike) they just drive them around. Not telling the insurance company will render their cars uninsured, so they wouldn't be covered if they got into a crash, something which a lot of boyracers seem to do. Secondly, the stupid suspension and wheel upgrades these cars get. I see a lot of boyracers with their cars literally on the floor, with the wheel arches cut out to give them enough clearance for the wheels to turn in. Doing this must make the cars ride so hard, I'm amazed we don't hear about more people with shattered spines. Along with these suspension 'upgrades', boyracers put new wheels on their cars, generally larger ones. What these people don't realise is that changing your wheels can affect the accuracy of a cars speedo, and it will say the car is going slower than it is, again something that can land boyracers in a lot of trouble. Thirdly, these new bigger wheels are generally wider than the stock ones, so they stick out further than the furthest parts of the wheel arches, something which is illegal here in the UK. Along with these wider wheels, a car should get wider tyres, again something teenagers don't seem to understand. They prefer to stretch their tyres to fit the wheels, something which not only looks stupid, but can cause uneven tyre wear, and make their cars dangerous on the road. Finally, the massive exhausts that all these cars have. These exhausts can restrict a cars performance more than help it, because the boyracer doesn't upgrade the rest of the exhaust system along with their exhaust. The loudness of these exhausts can also be a problem, with some of the louder ones being louder than what UK laws permit at certain times of day.
Another thing is the quite ridiculous 'cruises' these boyracers have. They all meet in a convenient car park, and go for a cruise around the town, getting stuck in traffic caused by their fellow boyracers, discussing how 'mint' and 'sick' eachothers cars are. I was on a proper cruise last year in an old Dodge Dart (1970's, and it belongs to my uncle. It has about 1000BHP I think.) and a host of other similarly powerful muscle cars. We went from Santa-Pod to Wellingborough and back, a yearly cruise that happens as part of the Mopar Euronationals. We turned up in a car park outside Homebase, across the road from a Halfords, where there was a large group of boyracers, who had just come back from a 'cruise'. As we turned up, they all turned silent. We parked up and went to the KFC next door, and by the time we were back they had all left with their wussy cars. More on my Santa-Pod stories in a later post anyway.
Similar Dart to my uncle's |
To conclude then, boyracers drive stupid cars, which they think are cool, to try and impress girls. What they don't realise is that a girl would much rather go out with a normal guy, rather than the spotty apes that boyracers tend to be. I think. Stupid, illegal cars that have no insurance. Avoid at all costs I suggest. Go to http://www.boyracerguide.co.uk for a bit of a laugh at boyracers' expense.